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Volume 20: CCAMLR. 2008. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 20 (1998–2007). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
operating inside the CCAMLR Convention Area. In addition, some statistics include catches of krill taken ... zone de la Convention de la CCAMLR. De plus, certaines statistiques comprennent les captures de krill ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
application/pdf attached to:WG-FSA-98
Meeting Report : WG-FSA-98
... reported an inspection in Wellington of the krill fishing vessel Chiyo Maru No. 3 (Japan). The vessel ... for finfish and krill in the Convention Area will be equipped with VMS starting with the 2000/01 season ... krill fishing vessel. 4.3 The Committee noted that all but two longliners engaged in exploratory ... -00/3) (see paragraph 3.16). 3.4 New Zealand reported an inspection in Wellington of the krill ... year. Russia advised that all its vessels fishing for finfish and krill in the Convention Area will ... finfish and one krill fishing vessel. 4.3 The Committee noted that all but two longliners engaged in application/pdf attached to:SCOI-00
Meeting Report : SCOI-00
... with fish by-catch in krill fisheries, continued their work during the intersessional period. 4.4 Ten ... that the total reported catch of krill in 1996/97 (1 July 1996 to 30 June 1997) was 82 508 tonnes which was about ... increased krill fishing activity, and the Republic of Korea, Russia and Uruguay would resume fishing (SC ... of krill in Area 48 (SC-CAMLR-XVI, paragraphs 5.13 to 5.19), noting that: (i) the survey was planned ... Mortality Arising from Longline Fishing (WG-IMALF) and the group dealing with fish by-catch in krill ... observers. Fishery Status and Trends 4.5 The Commission noted that the total reported catch of krill in ... , Ukraine planned a joint venture with Canada, the UK planned increased krill fishing activity, and the ... synoptic survey to estimate the standing stock of krill in Area 48 (SC-CAMLR-XVI, paragraphs 5.13 to 5.19 application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XVI
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XVI
Volume 19: CCAMLR. 2007. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 19 (1997–2006). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
operating inside the CCAMLR Convention Area. In addition, some statistics include catches of krill taken ... zone de la Convention de la CCAMLR. De plus, certaines statistiques comprennent les captures de krill ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 21 (1999–2008)
operating inside the CCAMLR Convention Area. In addition, some statistics include catches of krill taken ... zone de la Convention de la CCAMLR. De plus, certaines statistiques comprennent les captures de krill ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Volume 21: CCAMLR. 2009. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 21 (1999–2008). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
operating inside the CCAMLR Convention Area. In addition, some statistics include catches of krill taken ... zone de la Convention de la CCAMLR. De plus, certaines statistiques comprennent les captures de krill ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
... between fishing targeted on krill and on fish before 1986. This distinction has been made in the most ... of developing krill fisheries on associated or dependent species under various assumptions about the food ... No. 6) and the forthcoming review on krill and its biology and fisheries compiled by D. Miller and I. Hampton. Studies ... was made between fishing targeted on krill and on fish before 1986. This distinction has been made ... developing krill fisheries on associated or dependent species under various assumptions about the food ... exploited Antarctic fish stockss (BIOMASS Scientific Series No. 6) and the forthcoming review on krill and application/pdf attached to:WG-FSA-87
Meeting Report : WG-FSA-87
... catches in the CCAMLR Dissostichus spp., D. eleginoides, C. gunnari and Antarctic krill (Euphausia ... in the South Shetland Islands remain within a given depth range and move in response to krill availability ... , the Kerguelen Plateau is not a krill-dominated ecosystem and myctophids, amphipods and other zooplankton ... total catches in the CCAMLR Dissostichus spp., D. eleginoides, C. gunnari and Antarctic krill ... krill availability, the Kerguelen Plateau is not a krill-dominated ecosystem and myctophids, amphipods application/pdf attached to:WG-FSA-14
Meeting Report : WG-FSA-14
CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 22 (2000–2009)
operating inside the CAMLR Convention Area. In addition, some statistics include catches of krill taken ... comprennent les captures de krill effectuées en dehors de la zone de la Convention (comme la division 41.3.2 ...
Document : Site Section: Publications