This paper reviews the document release process, proposes further refinements and a document release procedure and seeks the approval of the Commission on these issues.
We briefly report on a workshop held from 10-14 June, 2019 at the Pôle Nautique and Museum of Natural History in Concarneau, France (immediately prior to the annual meetings of WG-SAM and WG-EMM). The Workshop was attended by representatives from ARK, ASOC, Pew, and WWF plus scientists from Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, Germany, Korea, Norway, Ukraine, the UK, and the USA. Funding for the Workshop was provided by ARK, Pew, and WWF.
There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
This paper presents two proposals for expenditure from the Catch Documentation Scheme for Dissostichus spp. (CDS) Fund for approval by the CDS Fund Review Panel for two activities in 2020, with a combined annual expenditure of A$70 000.
A desktop review of the non-Contracting Party (NCP) engagement strategy has identified the need for a revision of relevant policy documents. The Secretariat offers a new approach to NCP engagement which utilises the wider suite of engagement opportunities available to the Commission. The Secretariat proposes to work with Members on a three-year NCP engagement action plan which will focus on both regional and individual engagement in approaching and encouraging cooperation with NCPs.
There is no abstract available for this document.
The Intersessional Correspondence Group on Sustainable Finance (ICG-SF) met by correspondence during 2019. It discussed a number of options for reforming the system of notification fees for CCAMLR fisheries, on the direction of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF). It recommended: (i) setting fees for krill notifications 5% lower than fees for non-krill notifications; (ii) applying a fee and associated requirements to notifications under Conservation Measure (CM) 24‑01, paragraph 3; (iii) applying an annual consumer price index (CPI) adjustment to notification fees.
In accordance with a SCAF decision (CCAMLR-XXVII, Annex 7, paragraph 53) this paper lists the Special Funds that are currently dormant for consideration by the Commission.