New Zealand is proposing to amend CCAMLR Conservation Measure CM 10-09 in order to collect better data on transhipment activities that take place in the CCAMLR Convention Area.
The Republic of Korea proposes to amend CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-05 to better fulfill its objective taking into account the fact that each Contracting Parties have their own legal frameworks in implementing relevant provision of the Measure. If adopted, the revised CM is expected to provide a ground under which a Contracting Party may issue an SVDCD on Dissostichus spp. which is under suspicion of being illegally caught but cannot be immediately seized or confiscated due to its domestic legal frameworks.
Many international programs collect information on upcoming activities in the Southern Ocean, relevant to their communities. To support the sharing of this information, the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) has developed the Database of Upcoming Expeditions to the Southern Ocean, DueSouth ( Developed by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre, DueSouth is an open-access resource for the community that supports the planning of collaborative field programs by providing basic information on future activities in the Southern Ocean. DueSouth currently shares information on planned voyages and flights by National Antarctic Programs, international oceanography programs, and tourist companies. The inclusion of industry vessels (e.g., Tourist and Fisheries) provide important “Ships of Opportunity” for deployment of observational platforms or collection of data from regions that may not be routinely visited by research vessels. Building on the 2018 endorsement by the Scientific Committee (e-sc-xxxvii_1.pdf paragraph 10.9) and the test case provided as shown herein, SOOS now requests formal approval for the inclusion of all Fisheries Notifications into DueSouth by the Commission.
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We propose the Commission introduces a cap of no more than four vessel notifications per Member for the two fisheries in Statistical Subareas 88.1 and 88.2. The proposal will help ensure CCAMLR can continue to conserve Antarctic marine living resources in accordance with the Convention. It responds to a concern raised in the first performance review and will support more effective fisheries management, improve vessel safety, and reduce administrative burdens for members and the Secretariat.
This document reflects the changes incorporated into the D1MPA proposal, based on new publications, WG-EMM discussions and documents regarding krill fishery management workplan, and suggestions made during the intersessional discussions after the D1MPA proposal was formally introduced by Chile and Argentina at CCAMLR XXXVII. It also addresses the outstanding issues raised by Members during the last meeting of the Scientific Committee (Hobart, 2018). This document provides detailed information about the rationale behind the modifications included in the D1MPA Model, in a manner that conservation objectives are achieved, while allowing for fishery to redistribute and avoid further spatio-temporal concentration. The specific changes made to the D1MPA model are described.
This document reflects the changes incorporated into the D1MPA proposal, based on new publications, WG-EMM discussions and documents regarding krill fishery management workplan, and suggestions made during the intersessional discussions after the D1MPA proposal was formally introduced by Chile and Argentina at CCAMLR XXXVII. It also addresses the outstanding issues raised by Members during the last meeting of the Scientific Committee (Hobart, 2018). This document provides detailed information about the rationale behind the modifications included in the D1MPA Model, in a manner that conservation objectives are achieved, while allowing for fishery to redistribute and avoid further spatio-temporal concentration. The specific changes made to the D1MPA model are described.
Scientific Committee has recognised that in order to maintain its leadership in ecosystem-based fisheries management, the implications of climate change should be considered by its working groups.
The robustness of CCAMLR’s tothfish management protocol, based on the Decision Rule, is evaluated by considering hypothetical, future changes in the fishery - stock interactions and the stock productivity which could result from climate change.
The Decision Rule is demonstrated to be highly precautionary, as is appropriate for the management of deep-water Antarctic species and is shown to be robust to changes in the fishery - stock interactions.
However, the robustness of the Decision Rule, to potential climate change induced variation in productivity, highlights a sensitivity that should be considered by Scientific Committee and its Working Groups. A development of the Decision Rule to include limit or target reference points, based on exploitation rate would ensure that management advice is also robust to change in productivity. The modification could also provide a basis for the provision of catch advice where historic IUU has occurred and historic biomass is unknown.
Based on an analysis of the legal and scientific aspects of the current situation regarding the establishment of MPAs in the Convention Area, this paper considers procedural and implementation measures to manage a single process for the scientifically based designation of MPAs and to regulate their operation by the CCAMLR Commission.
This paper presents proposals on the requirements and principals of creating a unified approach to developing a scientifically based Research and monitoring plan (RMP) for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by adopting procedural and implementational measures aimed at ensuring the effective operation of the RMP. These proposals reflect the Russia Federation's position regarding the establishment of MPAs put forward at CCAMLR meetings (SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/18; SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/19; WS-SM- 18/10).
It is proposed to approve a unified approach to the development and operation of RMPs which could be attached as an annex to Conservation Measure (CM) 91-04. The development and approval of a unified approach to preparing a Research and monitoring plan must precede the establishment of new MPAs and form the basis for the revision of RMPs being created. Procedures for the management and control of the operation of RMPS and the assessment of their effectiveness must be an integral part of a unified approach.