This paper provides an overview of the case of the Korean fishing vessel Hongjin 707 and recommendations for actions from CCAMLR. Since the Hongjin 707 has engaged in IUU fishing, it is appropriate for CCAMLR to include the vessel on the Contracting Party (CP)-IUU list and to request Korea to withdraw its notifications for the vessel for the 2016-2017 fishing season. It is critical for CCAMLR and for Korea that a known violator of CCAMLR CMs is prevented from fishing in the Convention Area. CCAMLR should also discuss their views on appropriate response by Members when their flagged vessels engage in IUU fishing, and specifically on what criteria should be fulfilled before any vessel is re-approved for fishing.
In 1820 during the Russian expedition under the command of M.P. Lazarev and F.F. Bellingshausen the continent of Antarctica was discovered.
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There is no abstract available for this document.
The Marine Protected Area on the southern shelf of the South Orkney Islands (SOISS MPA) established by CCAMLR in Subarea 48.2 on the initiative of the United Kingdom has existed for more than seven years (Conservation Measure СМ 91-03, 2009). However, there are still issues related to the scientific and legal aspects of this MPA that require clarification. The SOISS MPA is the first MPA established by CCAMLR and lessons learned from it are important for subsequent proposals to establish MPAs in the Convention Area.
Taking into account the above, we consider it appropriate to make a number of comments in relation to the SOISS MPA, especially since the Russian Federation has been an active participant in the discussion of papers on the SOISS MPA at CCAMLR forums.
Форма для представления предварительных оценок возможности того, что предложенный донный промысел будет иметь существенное негативное воздействие на уязвимые морские экосистемы (УМЭ) для ярусных судов Украины Simeiz, Koreiz, Marigolds.
Pro forma for submitting preliminary assessments of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs): for the Ukrainian longliners Simeiz, Koreiz and Marigolds.