La collecte des données scientifiques sur les pêches en Antarctique est une tâche ardue et exigeante, nécessitant des efforts physiques considérables, souvent par très mauvais temps. En reconnaissance du rôle crucial joué par les observateurs du Système international d'observation scientifique de la CCAMLR (SISO) pour assurer une gestion efficace et durable des espèces marines de l'Antarctique, la CCAMLR remercie les personnes suivantes :
Esta página proporciona a los inspectores del Sistema de Inspección de la CCRVMA una serie de recursos para la realización de las tareas asignadas. Incluye materiales de referencia y las instrucciones actualizadas para los administradores del sitio web de cada Miembro, organización o entidad. Además, la página de Recursos para inspectores permite solicitar artículos relacionados con las inspecciones.
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L'objectif de cette page est de fournir aux contrôleurs désignés de la CCAMLR des moyens divers pour les aider dans l'accomplissement de leurs tâches. Elle contient du matériel de référence ainsi que les dernières instructions à l'intention des administrateurs de groupes. De plus, tous les articles liés aux contrôles peuvent désormais être commandés par le biais de notre Portail à l'intention des contrôleurs.
The delegation of Germany has submitted the scientific background and justification for the development of a marine protected area in the Weddell Sea planning area. In accordance with the recommendations by WG-EMM-14 (SC-CAMLR-XXXIII, Annex 6), this was done in three separate documents (SC-CAMLR-XXXIV/BG/15, /BG/16 and /BG/17).
The Scientific Committee is invited to note that:
Parts A and B of this scientific background are finalised, subject to final editorial corrections and changes;
Part C will be further improved and extended, inter alia in the light of the recommendations made at WG-EMM 15 (report, preliminary version 2015). A further developed document will be presented to WG-EMM in 2016 with a view for the Scientific Committee to approve Part C at its meeting in 2016.
The Scientific Committee is invited to review and evaluate the documents (SC-CAMLR-XXXIV/BG/15, /BG/16 and /BG/17) and to agree that the information contained in Parts A and B represent best available science.
There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
Whilst Resolution 30/XXVIII on Climate Change recognises global climate change as one of the greatest challenges facing the Southern Ocean, the Commission has yet to consider the issue of climate change impacts on Antarctic marine living resources and any possible responses in any substantial way. Australia proposes the establishment of an Intersessional Correspondence Group to initiate and sustain a process for appropriately integrating climate change into the work of the Commission. Australia also proposes that the Commission adopt Terms of Reference for the Intersessional Correspondence Group, a draft of which is provided at Attachment A.
The attached draft conservation measure establishing the East Antarctic Representative System of Marine Protected Areas (EARSMPA) is a revision of the proposal submitted to CCAMLR XXXIII (CCAMLR XXXIII/23). A draft conservation measure has been under consideration by the Commission since 2012. The latest amendments reflect the changes outlined in the ‘Current Thinking’ paper (CCAMLR XXXIII/BG40), as well as other suggestions made by Members in the intersessional period. The proposal also reflects the advice of the Scientific Committee at SC-CAMLR XXX, SC-CAMLR IM-I and SC-CAMLR XXXII that the proposal is based on the best available science.