Conservation Measure 10-09 requires advance notification for all transhipment activities that occur inside the Convention Area. However, as noted by SCIC in 2014, it is not clear whether the current measure allows for transhipment by or with vessels flagged to non-Contracting Parties (NCP), nor is it clear whether transhipment constitutes fishing for the purposes of Conservation Measure 10-02.
The delegation of the United States proposes to amend CCAMLR Conservation Measures 10-02 and 10-09 to clarify that Contracting Party vessels engaged in transhipment activities within the Convention Area, or of marine living resources harvested within the Convention Area, must be licensed and notified in accordance with Conservation Measure 10-02. The proposal would also establish an NCP Transhipment Vessel Record containing the vessels of NCPs that would be authorized to tranship with Contracting Party vessels, through a procedure for granting non-Contracting Parties a status of non-Contracting Parties cooperating with CCAMLR in the monitoring and control of transhipment. This procedure would require that non-Contracting Parties seeking to obtain or retain such status require all of their flagged vessels engaged in transhipment activities within the Convention Area, or in transhipment of marine living resources harvested within the Convention Area, be included in the NCP Transhipment Vessel Record. The vessels on the NCP Transhipment Vessel Record would be required to report their positions to the Secretariat while operating in the Convention Area in accordance with Conservation Measure 10-04.
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There is no abstract available for this document.
Analysis of changes to the draft Conservation Measure on establishment of an MPA in the East Antarctic System (EARSMPA).
Over the last three to four years the question has been raised in working groups and the CCAMLR Scientific Committee regarding the provision of resources for research in open and closed SSRUs in the Ross Sea. According to established practice and as a rule, if the research was conducted in open SSRUs, then the required proportion of the target species to be removed was taken from the TAC for that SSRU. If the research was carried out in closed SSRUs, then, as a rule, the TAC was taken from the largest TAC for the Ross Sea, from SSRUs HIK. We propose that research TACs be set for all closed SSRUs in the Ross Sea and Amundsen Sea.
The development of a feedback management strategy for the krill fishery (feedback management, FBM) is one of the priority tasks being undertaken by the Scientific Committee and WG-EMM in recent years. An integral part of developing an FBM should be studying the risks of impact that methods under development for spatially distributing the catch will have on the fleet's performance parameters.
At CCAMLR-XXXIII the Commission noted the discussion in the Scientific Committee on activities concerning toothfish in SSRUs 882A–B, where a clearer association of these SSRUs with the Ross Sea stock was considered, and recalled the discussion of the Commission in 2013 regarding the rationale for the revision of the boundary between Subareas 88.1 and 88.2. The Commission also reviewed last year's advice from the Scientific Committee on the matter (SC-CAMLR-XXXII, paragraph 3.160). The Commission was unable to make a decision based on this advice in 2013 (CCAMLR-XXXII, paragraphs 5.34–5.36), nor at the 2014 meeting. The commission encouraged Members to continue working on this issue intersessionally so that the Scientific Committee and its working groups can review it in 2015. The Scientific Committee asked the Commission to consider the matter again next year (SC-CAMLR-XXXIII, paragraph 3.228).
Biodiversity in candidate areas to be afforded protection based on historical observer data and data from research cruises in the Weddell Sea.
One condition for designating candidate sites to be afforded protection in the Weddell Sea is the subsequent yearly monitoring of these sites from research and fishing vessels, therefore knowledge about changes in interannual and seasonal ice dynamics is a fundamental factor for the successful completion of assigned research tasks in these designated waters. This also requires analysis of the navigation component.
This report provides an update on implementation of the Treaty of 24 November 2003 between France and Australia on Cooperation in the Maritime Areas Adjacent to the French Southern and Antarctic Territories (TAAF) at Heard and McDonald Islands, as well as the Agreement of 2007 on the Treaty's implementation. It summarises observations made by France with regard to illegal fishing from 15 July 2014 to 15 July 2015 in Statistical Subarea 58.6 and Divisions 58.5.1 and 58.5.2 which include the Crozet, Kerguelen and Heard and McDonald EEZs, and in international waters in Statistical Divisions 58.4.3 and 58.4.4, which include BANZARE, Elan, Lena and Ob Banks.
In the French EEZs, where the surveillance system was in operation for the whole period, no observations of IUU fishing activity were noted or reported, although fishing gear not belonging to licensed vessels was found. Furthermore, no IUU fishing activity was directly observed by France in the above-mentioned international areas.
Further to COMM CIRC 15/31 regarding the sighting of two unknown vessels on 20 February 2015 in Division 58.4.1 by the South Korean vessel Kingstar, France informed CCAMLR Members (COMM CIRC 15/55 of 28 May 2015) that there was every indication that one of the vessels was the Japanese whaling vessel Yushin Maru.
During CCAMLR's Annual Meeting in 2014, following a proposal by SCIC, France and the Secretariat decided to develop, in 2015, a six-month pilot initiative to use satellite surveillance. Under this partnership to strengthen the fight against IUU fishing, France’s in-kind contribution to the initiative consists in making a number of resources available to the Secretariat at no charge, notably use of the Kerguelen transmission station to receive and transmit satellite data relating to Elan Bank.
During first half of 2015, joint patrols with Australia recommenced, with the Australian patrol vessel Ocean Shield carrying out its patrols with two French fishery inspectors on board. The implementation of the Treaty and the Agreement between France and Australia will continue in 2017 with the commissioning of two new vessels.