Employment and short-term consultancy opportunities with the CCAMLR Secretariat are posted on this page when available. Our careers page has further information about working at the Secretariat.
Catch and effort data are used to monitor CCAMLR fisheries and to forecast fishery closures.
Catch and effort data are submitted to the Secretariat by Flag Sates, or their vessels, using the following CCAMLR Forms - Catch and effort data(367.6 KB):
Identified adverse impacts and threats to VMEs (including seamounts, hydrothermal vents, cold water corals and sponge fields) resulted in a call for global action to regulate bottom fishing in the high seas. Responding to this call, CCAMLR developed methods for identifying VMEs and encounter protocols for fishing vessels. A range of Conservation measures have been put in place by CCAMLR to address the protection of VMEs.