At CCAMLR XXIX (2010) Australia presented the ‘ Proposal for a general conservation measure to implement a Representative System of Antarctic Marine Protected Areas (RSAMPA) in CCAMLR by 2012, including management arrangements needed in conservation measures that will govern the RSAMPA in the future’ (CCAMLR-XXIX/38 Rev. 1). This proposal is a revision of that presented to CCAMLR XXIX and takes into consideration comments received from Members during CCAMLR XXIX and in the intersessional period.
As in other overarching measures (such as Conservation Measure 41-01 General measures for exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in the Convention Area), a general conservation measure could provide the framework of common actions and requirements for the declaration, administration and management of CCAMLR marine protected areas (MPAs). Paragraph 1 of the draft general measure, which outlines the objectives to be achieved through MPAs, is based on Scientific Committee endorsed advice from 2005, specifically SC-CAMLR-XXIV, paragraph 3.54.
Australia is of the view that the adoption of this draft measure will provide a solid and transparent foundation for establishing a system of CCAMLR MPAs by 2012.
There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
At its 2000 meeting, the Commission requested that the Scientific Committee review the definition of the statistical divisions in the region of BANZARE and Elan Banks. Proposals are put forward on how the boundaries of Division 58.4.3 and neighbouring divisions can be amended to make separate divisions encompassing each individual bank. Further options are suggested for modifications to division boundaries in the region so that they more closely follow bathymetric features.
In this paper the boundaries of the CCAMLR statistical areas are examined for their relevance to the management of the krill fishery. A rationale for developing some new areas is developed based on data on krill distributions. The overall aim of the exercise was to reduce the large size of many of the existing statistical areas to the point where all areas where krill occur could be surveyed by a single vessel. Areas where krill appeared to be generally absent were separated from those areas where krill appeared to be abundant. Areas where there were identified concentrations or “stocks” were kept intact wherever possible. The resultant map of suggested management areas results in a series of subdivisions of far more regular size than the existing map of Statistical Areas.
A proposal is submitted to suggest modifications to the boundaries of Division 58.5.2 and the creation of a new Division 58.5.3. The modified or new Divisions reflect more accurately the distribution of management units for toothfish in the region within and adjacent to the Convention Area.