In accordance with Conservation Measure (CM) 10-10, paragraph 2(i), and the procedure detailed in COMM CIRC 21/80, the Secretariat has prepared the Summary CCAMLR Compliance Report (Summary Report) based on the Draft CCAMLR Compliance Reports (Draft reports), responses received from Contracting Parties, and Contracting Parties’ suggested preliminary compliance status. The Draft reports identified 77 potential issues in the implementation of conservation measures across 13 conservation measures and 20 Contracting Parties for the compliance reporting period (1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021). The Secretariat circulated Draft reports on 04 August 2021 and the Summary Report containing Contracting Party responses is Annex 1 to this paper.
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There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
This paper provides a summary of the activity in special funds that are relevant to the Scientific Committee.
As requested by the SCIC Chair, Ms Meggan Engelke-Ros, four electronic discussion groups (e-groups) were created to assist the work of SCIC. A summary is presented in this background paper of the discussions across the four e-groups.
This paper reviews Secretariat activities in support of the Scientific Committee over 2020 and 2021. It also provides an update on the work towards a new volume of CCAMLR Science, and recommends that in 2022 the incoming Science Manager work with the Editorial Board of CCAMLR Science to review CCAMLR’s scientific publications policy.
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There is no abstract available for this document.
Two proposals seeking support from the CEMP Special Fund were reviewed according to the assessment criteria. An additional proposal was referred to the panel from the General Capacity Building Fund panel. The management panel recommends that the Scientific Committee endorse the recommendations for funding totalling A$135 000 for 2021/22. In addition, the management panel made several recommendations to improve efficiency and to streamline management of the fund.