CCAMLR in 2016 adopted Conservation Measure 91-05, establishing the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area (RSRMPA). The RSRMPA entered into force on 1 December 2017. But there has been no research and monitoring plan (RMP) adopted by CCAMLR in place, which would have impacts on the delivery of the MPA objectives. There were great deal of discussions in this regard over the last two years, and divergent views expressed. With the intention to make contribution to improve the draft RSRMPA RMP, some observations and comments are made as follows.
China submitted its first paper (CCAMLR-XXXVII/32) in 2018 to CCAMLR on the development of research and monitoring plan for CCAMLR MPAs, which attracted lots of comments and suggestions. In order to further contribute to the discussions on this issue, China revised the paper from the scientific perspective, taking into serious consideration of inputs received last year.
The Intersessional Correspondence Group on Capacity Building for CCAMLR Members (ICG-CB) met by correspondence during 2019 and was Chaired by South Africa. Its primary aim was to coordinate a Capacity Building Workshop which was held in Cape Town, South Africa, in April 2019 and deliver on Terms of Reference agreed at CCAMLR-XXXVII. The ICG developed proposals for the objectives for Capacity Building activities, recommended that the Commission establish a General Capacity Building Fund, and proposed administrative mechanisms for its operation (see CCAMLR-38/BG/19).
Net monitoring during krill trawling is necessary to the industry and beneficial to CCAMLR science. Currently there is no workable alternative to a cabled connection between vessel and trawl sensors. Norwegian krill vessels conducting continuous trawling use a cabled connection where the trawl wire and net cable run in parallel and are closely aligned. This solution has now also been implemented on the FV Saga Sea because extensive trials carried out in 2017/18 with other alternatives were not successful. Extensive monitoring of bird interactions reflected in observer reports suggests that this particular rigging is compatible with the main objectives of CM 25-03, i.e. minimizing the incidental mortality of, or injury to, seabirds and marine mammals during trawl fishing.
As requested in a recommendation from WG-EMM 2019, this paper describes how the current net monitoring is being implemented. It also summarizes earlier experiments on the FV Saga Sea.
Based on the recognized need and utility of net monitoring devices and the continued technical requirement for cabled communication, Norway requests that the SC considers amending Article 1 of CM 25-03 so that uses of net monitoring cables that do not violate the objectives of reducing incidental mortality of, or injury to, seabirds become permitted.
Observers continue to monitor bird interactions on the Norwegian vessels and pertinent data are given in their reports. The proposed amended text of the Article 1 in CM 25-03 is therefore: “The use of net monitoring cables on vessels in the CCAMLR Convention Area is prohibited unless it is documented that the cable connection between trawl and vessel is rigged in such a manner that interactions with seabirds causing mortality or injury are minimized”.
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This paper reviews the document release process, proposes further refinements and a document release procedure and seeks the approval of the Commission on these issues.
We briefly report on a workshop held from 10-14 June, 2019 at the Pôle Nautique and Museum of Natural History in Concarneau, France (immediately prior to the annual meetings of WG-SAM and WG-EMM). The Workshop was attended by representatives from ARK, ASOC, Pew, and WWF plus scientists from Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, Germany, Korea, Norway, Ukraine, the UK, and the USA. Funding for the Workshop was provided by ARK, Pew, and WWF.
There is no abstract available for this document.
There is no abstract available for this document.
This paper presents two proposals for expenditure from the Catch Documentation Scheme for Dissostichus spp. (CDS) Fund for approval by the CDS Fund Review Panel for two activities in 2020, with a combined annual expenditure of A$70 000.