WG-EMM-2019 mapped out a revised management strategy which provides the highest likelihood that CCAMLR will be able to update its management of the krill fishery in subareas 48.1-4 by the time CM 51-07 expires. A key element of this procedure is the extension of the Risk Assessment to enable catches to be distributed across the area taking account of estimated predator demand. We request that CCAMLR allocate funds from the General Science Capacity Fund to enable this component of the strategy identified by WG-EMM-2019 it to be delivered in a timely fashion.
The Working Group stressed the urgency of standardising ageing method for krill. Information on krill age is fundamental to establishing an accurate growth curve and to calculate a recruitment index, the parameters for a GYM to estimate a sustainable yield (γ) (WG-EMM-19 Report Para 4.27). The WG-EMM 2019 recommended that the Scientific Committee identify resources to support a workshop to standardise krill ageing protocol, as outlined in WG-EMM-19/45. We seek Scientific Committee’s endorsement of the draft terms of reference and the budget for the Krill Ageing workshop as described in this paper.
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Although the Ross Sea Region MPA (RSRMPA) has existed for three years, it is still unclear how research catch limits in the MPA should be allocated. The Scientific Committee's current recommendations on the allocation of allowable catch for surveys in MPAs from the TAC set for the exploratory Olympic fishery outside MPAs in the Ross Sea Region have no scientific justification and do not meet the requirements of CM 91-05. Such a transfer of TAC will have an additional impact on toothfish and the ecosystem in the MPA, and will limit the exploratory longline fishery outside the MPA which is a data source for assessment models of toothfish in the Ross Sea Region. Russia requests that the Scientific Committee identify the sources for establishing the toothfish catch limit for conducting research in the RSRMPA and endorse the source and procedures for allocating allowable catch for research purposes in the MPA in an Appendix to CM 91-05/C.
Russia considers the catch limit for any research in the Ross Sea region MPA should not be deducted from catch limits for exploratory fishing outside the MPA.
Fishery results in the 2018/19 season show that using current procedures for operational fisheries monitoring and forecasting did not ensure management of the Olympic fishery in the Ross Sea in accordance with regulation under CM 41-09, including the untimely notification of fishery closures while there was significant undercatch and the spatial redistribution of allowable catch. Russia would like to stress that the Secretariat must strictly follow Conservation Measures in force, irrespective of the goals and tasks addressed in the intersessional period, since changes to Conservation Measures in force and their approval fall within the exclusive competence of the Commission's annual meeting.
Information is presented on a Workshop for Training Russian Scientific Observers and Inspectors to work in fisheries in the CAMLR Convention Area held at the AtlantNIRO Institute in Kaliningrad (19-23 August 2019).
The density of Antarctic krill swarm inhabiting the Subarea 48.1, which includes the Elephant Island peripheries and the west and north of the South Shetland Island, was estimated using an acoustics survey. Acoustic data were collected using two frequencies with 38 and 120 kHz from March 8 to 15 in 2019. Krill were collected by the commercial midwater trawl fishing vessel. The data were processed and analyzed by CCAMLR standard protocols using swarm integration (SHAPES module within that software for swarm identification) and interval method based on distribution of (a) total krill AT and (b) each transects krill AT. The weighted krill density was estimated to be 4.27 g/m2 (CV=43.42%) applying (a) total krill AT and 4.17 g/m2 (CV=44.23%) applying (b) each transects krill AT using swarm integration method and 3.70 g/m2 (CV=43.83%) applying (a) total krill AT and 3.49 g/m2 (CV=43.60%) applying (b) each transects krill AT using interval method, respectively.
Results from the International Synoptic Krill Survey in Area 48, 2019, are presented. This survey covered both the strata occupied during the CCAMLR 2000 acoustic survey and the strata that comprise the regular AMLR survey. Acoustic transects (10534 n.mi), oceanographic measurements (253 casts), and trawls (164) were carried out as per survey procedures developed in 2018, which were based on the methods and procedures used in the CCAMLR 2000 krill acoustic survey. Backscatter from krill were delineated using the ‘swarms’ method and integrated to produce distribution maps of krill areal density and survey standing stock estimates. Krill areal density for the CCAMLR 2000 strata was 35.2 gm-2, producing a standing stock estimate of 72 mt with a sampling CV of 13%. For the AMLR strata the density was 64.2 gm-2, standing stock 8 mt, and a CV of 16%. However, the choice of krill length distributions used to convert acoustic backscatter into krill density has a significant effect on these estimates and requires further consideration.