China, Italy and Republic of Korea submitted to the next coming CEP XXII - ATCM XLII a proposal for the designation of a new Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) at Inexpressible Island and Seaview Bay, Ross Sea. The co-proponents have prepared the draft ASPA Management Plan annexed to this paper, in accordance with the requirements of Annex V to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty and the Revised Guide to the Preparation of Management Plans for Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (Resolution 2, 2011). The proposal is submitted to CCAMLR for its consideration, in accordance with ATCM Decision 9 (2005)
The WG-EMM noted that it’s urgent to develop the sampling protocol which can be used by the observer consistently. The WG-EMM 2019 stressed the priorities for data collection, information sharing and overall tasking for observers in the krill fishery and recommended the timeliness of holding a focused workshop. The delegation of China seek Scientific Committee’s endorsement of the draft terms of reference and the budget for the Krill Fishery Observer Workshop as described in this paper.
This paper summarises a review of the CCAMLR Marine Debris monitoring program and considers ways in which the current program could be modernised. It recommends that the Scientific Committee establish an Intersessional Correspondence Group on Marine Debris to review and revise the program, which would include defining its objectives, developing program materials, and developing an analytical approach that will allow quantification of marine debris levels across the Convention Area.
Currently, there are no standardised guidelines set by CCAMLR to calculate conversion factors for toothfish caught in New or Exploratory toothfish fisheries. As a consequence, it is likely that different methodologies for calculating conversion factors are used by SISO observers, vessels, companies and Members that operate in these fisheries. These differences could potentially introduce significant levels of variability and inaccuracy into toothfish fishery greenweight removal estimates, undermining CCAMLR’s ability to effectively track the state of the stocks and to set precautionary yields accordingly. We propose ‘best practice’ guidelines are developed for the calculation of toothfish conversion factors.