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Abstract: Report on transhipment of krill in 2009 Delegation of Japan Abstract: According ... to the Conservation Measure 10-09 (2009), Japan reports on krill transhipment activities by its krill fishing vessel ... the attached report on transshipment activities by its krill fishing vessel in CCAMLR Convention Area in 2009 ... : REPORT ON TRANSHIPMENT OF KRILL IN 2009 Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXIX/BG/05 : Author(s): Delegation of Japan
Scientific requirements for an orderly development of the krill fishery
Abstract: At CCAMLR XXV Australia presented the results of the BROKE-West acoustic krill biomass ... precautionary catch limit for krill in Statistical Division 58.4.2 of 1.49 million tonnes (up from 450 000 ... the scientific requirements related to the orderly development of the krill fishery, and to provide justification ... . The following is recommended for ensuring the orderly development of the krill fishery: (i) Undertake krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-07/23 : Author(s): A. Constable, G. Slocum and S. Nicol (Australia)
Summer distribution, abundance and structure of krill populations (Euphausia superba and Euphausia crystallorophias) sampled by plankton net in the western Ross Sea (January–February 2000)
of krill in the western Ross Sea (Antarctica). A midwater sampler-trawl (Hamburg Plankton Net) was used ... oblique tow. Mean relative biomass of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba, in the area north of Continental ... Area (73°S 173°E) was remarkable. Ice krill Euphausia crystallorophias replaced the Antarctic krill ... krill and length, sex and reproductive stage of Antarctic krill occurring in discrete aggregations were ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-00/38 : Author(s): M. Azzali, A. Sala and G. Brancato (Italy)
and production are still very uncertain. Recently, circumpolar krill databases, combined with growth models ... on a standardised net sampling methodology but they integrate over the period 1926-2004, during which krill ... abundance has fluctuated. To estimate krill biomass at the end of last century we combined the KRILLBASE map ... of relative krill density around Antarctica with the most recent, acoustics-derived, value for the CCAMLR ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/17 : Author(s): A. Atkinson (United Kingdom), V. Siegel (Germany), E.A. Pakhomov (South Africa), M.J. Jessopp (United Kingdom) and V. Loeb (USA)
Observer coverage in CCAMLR krill fisheries from 2011 to 2015
Abstract: The issue of observer coverage in krill fisheries has been the subject of extensive ... discussion at the Commission for a number of years, as the krill fishery is the only CCAMLR fishery that does ... years comparing the number of days of fishing conducted by vessels in the krill fleet, with the number ... , regardless of fishing method. The results show a 90% level of observer coverage across the krill fleet ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/11 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Krill catch distribution in relation to predator colonies 1987 to 1992
Abstract: The distribution of krill catches in relation to land-based predator colonies ... % of the total exploitation of krill in these two subareas respectively. Author(s): Secretariat Title: Krill ... The distribution of krill catches in relation to land-based predator colonies, calculated from ... of krill in these two subareas respectively. ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-93/10 : Author(s): Secretariat
Natural fluctuations in the abundance of krill with due regard to global climate changes in the southern hemisphere: forecasting possibilities
" in the reproduction of krill (Euphausia superba) and salp (Salpa tompsoni) (SC-CAMLR-XVI4; SC ... the strong year-classes of krill and severe winters when the ice-cover extended itself northwards ... generations of krill were formed during the years when the winter position of the ice edge was south ... of the average multiannual level. The abundance of salp went up sharply in the areas of krill distribution ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-98/52 : Author(s): K. Shust (Russia)
Two decades of variability in krill predators at Bird Island, South Georgia and their potential as ecosystem indicators
included foraging performance, offspring survival, offspring mass, the contribution of Antarctic krill ... survival and mass). Krill in the diet was correlated across the three bird species (gentoo, Pygoscelis ... penguins. Offspring survival and hence PRP were largely independent of krill in the diet for macaroni ... the variability associated with krill availability. This was characterised by skewed anomalies with more ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/16 : Author(s): S.L. Hill, C.M. Waluda, H.J. Peat and S. Fielding (United Kingdom)
Are penguins and seals in competition for Antarctic krill at South Georgia?
of Antarctic krill. In recent years the population of fur seals has increased whereas that of macaroni penguins ... has declined. Both species feed on krill of similar size ranges, dive to similar depths ... activity were significantly spatially segregated. Over the last 12 years the prevalence of krill ... in the diet of the two predators differed with less krill in the diet of macaroni penguins than Antarctic fur ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/22 : Author(s): K.E. Barlow, I.L. Boyd, J.P. Croxall, I.J. Staniland, K. Reid and A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom)
A revised assessment of the impact of the krill fishery on penguins in the South Shetlands
krill (Euphausia superba) fishery and penguins (WG-Krill-93/7). Main fishing areas were confined ... with areas of high krill abundance. The overlap between trawling depth and foraging dive depth of penguins ... was also insignificant. Furthermore, less similarity between krill caught by trawlers and those captured ... and penguins. Krill biomass was estimated to be as large as 200-1500 xl03 tonnes within the preferred fishing ...
Meeting Document : WG-Joint-94/17 : Author(s): T. Ichii, M. Naganobu and T. Ogishima (Japan)