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Analysis of krill fishery operations in Subarea 48.1: spatial-time distribution of CPUE and fishing efforts
krill fishery data for understanding reasons of this ‘high CPUE’ regime. The authors present ... the analysis of spatial- temporal variability of krill fishery based on CPUE trends, trawling duration, catch ... the reason for the changes in sea ice locations and krill abundance and distribution affecting fishery ... in long-term fishery. We suggest that information on variability of krill fishable biomass distribution ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/21 : Author(s): S. Kasatkina and P. Gasyukov (Russia)
Distribution and size-age composition of Antarctic krill in the South Orkney Islands region (CCAMLR Subarea 48.2)
Abstract: This paper describes distribution and size-age composition of Antarctic krill ... /2009 and 2009/2010 seasons. All age cohorts of krill passed spawning during the season 2008/2009, while ... in anomalous cold 2009/2010 season significant proportion of krill of cohort 2+ skipped spawning. Individuals ... of Antarctic krill in age 1+ were absent in catches in both 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 seasons. Possible reasons ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/16 : Author(s): D.O. Sologub and A.V. Remeslo (Russia)
Estimating Antarctic krill density from multi-beam observations using distance sampling methods
and processing of acoustic data from fishing vessels. Some krill fishing vessels are equipped with scanning ... sampling theory- that provides a general means for estimating krill density and biomass from vertically ... to the constraints of krill target strength models, acoustic instrument stability, and survey design allow the use ... of data observed with horizontally oriented multi-beam and scanning sonars to contribute to krill ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-12/05 : Author(s): M.J. Cox (Australia)
Describing krill: swarms or integration intervals?
Abstract: CCAMLR anticipates that acoustic data collected from krill fishing vessels ... will be incorporated into krill feed back management. Acoustic data collected from fishing vessels may have different ... may contain seabed aliased echoes and instrument cross-talk. Analysing acoustic data on a krill-swarm ... , I estimated mean areal krill density for a small (65 km by 60 km) survey conducted in the waters off Mawson ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-17/02 : Author(s): M.J. Cox
A proposal for a Krill Ageing Inter-laboratory Calibration Workshop
Abstract: The Working Group stressed the urgency of standardising ageing method for krill ... . Information on krill age is fundamental to establishing an accurate growth curve and to calculate ... to standardise krill ageing protocol, as outlined in WG-EMM-19/45. We seek Scientific Committee’s endorsement ... of the draft terms of reference and the budget for the Krill Ageing workshop as described in this paper. Author ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/13 : Author(s): Delegations of Australia, China, Japan, Norway and the USA
Abstract: Acoustically based estimates of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) biomass, and net ... -based estimates of krill density and recruitment are recalculated for the years 1996 through 2011 ... . The time series of acoustic biomass indicate that krill have varied by more than an order of magnitude over ... that 2011 was a year of good recruitment, following two years of low recruitment. Krill biomass ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-11/26 : Author(s): A. Cossio, C. Reiss and R. Driscoll (USA)
observers onboard the commercial krill fishing vessel from 2003/04 to 2007/08 fishing seasons. Main fishing ... . The Japanese scientific observers are trained through an educational program on fishery, krill and bycatch ... finfish, which was reflected to the CCAMLR observer protocol. Pathological analysis of the krill samples ... revealed the occurrence of black-spot disease in Antarctic krill and its relation to bacterial infection ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-09/19 : Author(s): M. Kiyota and T. Iida (Japan)
Estimating future krill catches that meet the CCAMLR and alternative decision rules for FAO Subarea 48.1 using an integrated assessment model
Abstract: An integrated assessment model for Antarctic krill in FAO Subarea 48.1 ... that incorporates catch and length-composition data from the krill fishery with biomass indices and length ... to estimate the effects of the fishery on the krill population. The model estimates parameters representing ... krill population biology and the fishery during the period with data (1976 to 2014 in these models ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-15/51 Rev. 1 : Author(s): D. Kinzey, G.M. Watters and C.S. Reiss (USA)
CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during the 1999/2000 season in Area 48
Abstract: Four Japanese krill fishing vessels operated in Area 48 during the 1999/2000 split year ... positions, CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during the period is described. The krill length ... to the possibility of intra-annual variability of two krill stocks (Antarctic Peninsula and Weddell Sea stocks ... ). Author(s): S. Kawaguchi and M. Naganobu (Japan) Title: CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/36 : Author(s): S. Kawaguchi and M. Naganobu (Japan)
The integrated krill assessment model for Subarea 48.1 with future catches meeting alternative decision rules
Abstract: Model results and diagnostics for the integrated assessment model for krill in Subarea ... 48.1 are summarized. Alternative potential decision rules based on the distributions of krill spawning ... , and WG-FSA in a number of papers since 2011. The assessment model for krill in Subarea 48.1 is offered ... as a tool for CCAMLR to use in managing the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1. Author(s): D. Kinzey, G.M ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-16/36 Rev. 1 : Author(s): D. Kinzey, G.M. Watters and C.S. Reiss