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Uncertainty in acoustic surveys of Antarctic krill
Abstract: Studied were four primary sources of uncertainty in krill density estimates from ... with a standard sphere were estimated as-1.2 dB and ±0.3 dB, respectively. Uncertainty in estimating krill TS ... (Demer and Martin, 1995). Therefore, the accuracy and precision krill TS estimates were conservatively ... contributed to a positive bias in the krill density estimates of 0.6 dB. Finally, uncertainty due to the diel ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-95/72 : Author(s): Demer, D.A.
Surface water masses, primary production, krill distribution and predator foraging in the vicinity of Elephant Island during the 1989-90 austral summer
and primary productivity, the distribution and demography of krill, and the foraging patterns of krill ... as the western end of the Weddell-Scotia Confluence. Krill abundance increased approximately 5-fold over ... of the study area. Krill sampled throughout the observation period were reproductively mature and exhibited ... , overall mean size increased from 41.8 mm in January to 44.3 mm in February. Krill composed 99% of the diet ...
Meeting Document : WG-CEMP-90/11 : Author(s): A.F. Amos, J.L. Bengtson, O. Holm-Hansen, V.J. Loeb, M.C. Macaulay and J.H. Wormuth (USA)
Krill distribution patterns in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic during the CCAMLR-2000 Survey
of the large scale krill biomass in the South Atlantic Sector of the Antarctic. Four vessels from Japan, Russia ... targets. Analyses on the combined data sets from the net sampling program indicate that krill distribution ... juvenile and subadult krill mainly occurred east of the South Orkney Islands. Adult krill predominately ... krill larger than 50 mm mean size was found to the north of cluster 2, but at the same time was mostly ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-00/6 Rev. 1 : Author(s): V. Siegel (Germany), S. Kawaguchi (Japan), F. Litvinov (Russia), V. Loeb (USA) and J. Watkins (United Kingdom)
Krill CPUE standardisation and comparison with acoustic data based on data collected from Chinese fishing vessels in Subarea 48.1
Abstract: The usability of CPUE data as Antarctic krill abundance index was a widely discussed ... per day data. The veridical distribution and movement of krill could be important source ... to indicate the krill stock abundance should be very caution. However, the dynamics of CPUE could indicate ... the changing trends of the density of krill in the water close to sea surface, which may be concerned by krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-17/41 : Author(s): Y. Ying, X. Wang, J. Zhu and X. Zhao
Revised outline of the dedicated krill survey for CCAMLR Division 58.4.1 during 2018/19 season by the Japanese survey vessel, Kaiyo-maru
Abstract: A dedicated krill survey for CCAMLR Division 58.4.1 during 2018/19 season ... will be conducted by Japanese research vessel, Kaiyo-maru. No krill biomass has been estimated in the Division since ... Australia carried out BROKE in 1996. There are two main objectives of our survey: (1) estimation of krill ... changes if any. The krill survey (echosounder–EK80 and RMT) and subsequent biomass estimation will follow ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-18/03 : Author(s): H. Murase, K. Abe, R. Matsukura, H. Sasaki and T. Ichii
Swarm characteristics of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba relative to the proximity of land during summer in the Scotia Sea
and swarming characteristics of Antarctic krill across the Scotia Sea in January and February 2003. Krill ... zone compared to <80 m 2 further offshore. The packing concentration of krill within inshore swarms ... number of swarms per km and krill acoustic biomass per km was found in the 50 to 100 km zone. However ... regions. Krill are likely to move between inshore and offshore environments continuously over ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/P09 : Author(s): T. Klevjer, G.A. Tarling and S. Fielding
Simulating nursery areas for Antarctic krill along the western Antarctic Peninsula with relevance for the Domain 1 MPA Planning process
Abstract: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a key species and a dominant grazer ... and early larval stages of Antarctic krill (the descent-ascent cycle) is largely controlled by temperature ... nursery areas for Antarctic krill and assess how environmental conditions (stronger winds, enhanced ... -dependent model of the descent-ascent cycle of Antarctic krill embryos and larvae that was forced ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/12 : Author(s): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
An assessment of the use of ocean gliders to undertake acoustic measurements of zooplankton: the distribution and density of Antarctic krill in the Weddell Sea
the distribution of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). During the glider missions, a research vessel undertook ... to validate acoustic targets and parameterize acoustic models. Krill targets were identified using ... a thresholded schools analysis technique (SHAPES), and acoustic data were converted to krill density using ... estimates by up to 8-fold. Glider-based, echo-sounder–derived krill density profiles for the two survey ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/P02 : Author(s): D. Guihen, S. Fielding, E. Murphy, K. Heywood and G. Griffiths
By-catch of juvenile Antarctic fish from krill (Euphausia superba Dana) fisheries in the South Georgia area, in 1992
krill fishing by the BAT GrigOly Kovtun in the region of the South Georgia Islands during the period May ... larseni. The frequency of occurrence of juvenile fish was 18.2% when considering all krill tows and 45.5 ... to 1 t of krill, ranged from 700 to 18 900 individuals. In the case of C.gunnari, average values were 966±225 ind ... /1t krill and 2434±579 ind/1t krill for all trawls and for shelf trawls, respectively. Similarly ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-93/8 Rev. 1 : Author(s): E.A. Pakhomov and S.A. Pankratov (Ukraine)
Potential climate change effects on the habitat of Antarctic krill
Abstract: Antarctic krill is an obligate cold water species, an increasingly important fishery ... used a statistical model linking Antarctic krill growth to temperature and chlorophyll concentration ... to assess the influence of projected warming on Antarctic krill habitat quality. The results divide ... Georgia could be up to 55%, and the habitat’s ability to support Antarctic krill biomass production within ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-13/20 : Author(s): S.L. Hill, T. Phillips and A. Atkinson (United Kingdom)