For several years, ASOC has been calling for improved management of Antarctic krill fisheries. In this paper, ASOC urges CCAMLR to continue to work towards requiring 100% scientific observer coverage on board krill vessels, identifying priority objectives for research and development in support of the management of the krill fishery, conducting a new krill synoptic survey, keeping the trigger level as the enforceable catch limit, improving monitoring through a strengthened CEMP program, continuing efforts towards estimating green weight and krill escape mortality, reviewing krill notifications procedures with the aim of reducing speculative notifications, and requiring mandatory ice-strengthening for krill fishing vessels.
CCAMLR began work to develop a representative system of marine protected areas (MPAs) in 2005. Now in 2014, despite commitment within both the Scientific Committee and the Commission and the concerted effort by CCAMLR Members, significant progress towards implementing a representative system of MPAs has stalled. Furthermore, ASOC has been concerned to see a diminishing scale of ambition for CCAMLR’s representative system of MPAs and marine reserves. ASOC believes that the changes to proposed CCAMLR MPAs over the past several years have reflected a ‘lowest common denominator’ approach to consensus decision-making. The time has come for CCAMLR to move decisively towards meeting its commitment to implement a representative system of MPAs by designating the East Antarctic and Ross Sea MPAs.