This page contains links to instructions, dataforms and other information required for the CCAMLR Scheme of Scientific Observation. Some publications are available in English only.
Instructions for sampling protocols and methods
- CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation
- Scientific Observer's Manual – Krill Fisheries
- Scientific Observer's Manual – Finfish Fisheries
- Toothfish and skate tagging methods (6.86 Mo)
- Skate Thorn Collection Procedure (261 Ko)
- Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force
Data submission forms library, containing all forms required to submit observer data
List of CCAMLR's national technical coordinators
By-catch identification and educational material for use by observers on vessels
- Common by-catch species in CCAMLR longline and trawl fisheries
- Common fish by-catch species in CCAMLR krill fisheries (1.13 Mo)
- Seabird by-catch Guide for commonly caught albatrosses and petrels (Available in English, French, Spanish and Chinese but not in Russian.)
- Fishes of the Ross Sea Region – A field guide to common species caught in the longline fishery (7.74 Mo)
- Fish the Sea not the Sky
- VME Taxa Classification Guide (2.34 Mo)
- Field Identification Guide to Heard Island and McDonald Island Benthic Invertebrates (6.01 Mo)
- Illustrated guide of Decapoda for Atlantic sector of Antarctic and surrounding waters (41.46 Mo)
- Gonad maturity guide for Dissostichus eleginoides (13.17 Mo)
- Crustacean guide for predator studies in the Southern Ocean (42.16 Mo)
- Macrourus Identification Keys for Subareas 88.1 and 88.3 (1.74 Mo)
Other training materials for observers
- Seabird identification – A photographic guide for observers at sea in Southern Indian Ocean (23.48 Mo)
- Nautical twilight calculator
- Whale depredation – Data collection guidelines (2.99 Mo)
- Observer self training guide
- The Skate Discard Poster was made in an effort to reduce the discard of skates. This guide is available in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Indonesian (592.38 Ko), Japanese (709.18 Ko) and Korean (632.75 Ko).
- The Overboard is not Forgotten poster was produced in seven languages to emphasise that correct disposal of waste on vessels is essential to avoid impacts on Antarctic wildlife. It is available in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Indonesian (196.7 Ko), Japanese (275.78 Ko) and Korean (632.75 Ko).
- The Hook Discard Poster is available in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Indonesian (303.34 Ko), Japanese (435.82 Ko) and Korean (230.97 Ko).